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Tasmania 1967 is below

See below for a map of Tasmania

Hobart (capital of Tasmania) in the Derwent Valley on the South East coast, viewed from Mount Wellington

A view of Hobart Bridge (across the Derwent River) from the road

Derwent Valley

Derwent Valley Hops fields

A view of the Huon valley from Mount Wellington

Remains of the Port Arthur church used by convicts 1840 - 1877
The Port Arthur penal settlement began life as a small timber station in 1830, but it quickly grew in importance as a penal establishment for prisoners sent from Britain. The 1840s witnessed a consolidation of the industrial and penal nature of the settlement as the convict population reached over 1100. In 1842 a huge flour mill and granary (later the penitentiary) was begun, as well as the construction of a hospital. 1848 saw the first stone laid for the Separate Prison, the completion of which brought about a shift in punishment philosophy from physical to mental subjugation



Mental Asylum

Reconstructed cell

Prison bell

Prison look-out tower

Launceston, in the north of Tasmania - and below


Cataract Gorge, Launceston - and below


Launceston Wildlife Park




Golden Possum

Entally House, near Launceston - built in 1819

Other historic items in the grounds of Entally House

Cradle Mountain, North Tasmania

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