Living AUSTRALIA - South Australia

Wood panelling, Reliefs and Stained Glass Windows
inside t
he Adelaide Catholic Cathedral

Example of the wood panelling telling the Christmas Story - part of the reredos in the shrine of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour. The reredos is of waxed English oak in which are inset panels depicting fifteen mysteries of the rosary.
The panels are in Opus Sectile mosaic. And below: the Resurrection and Ascension are depicted.
Examples of the relief sculptures of the 14 Stations of the Cross






Detail from the reredos in the shrine of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour. The Madonna and child picture is supposed to be an exact model of the original one in St Alphonso, Rome, and said to be the most perfect copy ever made.
The artist was Giovanni Burkhardt of Rome (1910).
Stained Glass Windows in St Francis Xavier Cathedral, Adelaide


Stained Glass Windows behind the High Altar - close ups below


Glass in the main entrance doors - close ups below

Windows in the east wall

St Patrick and St Lawrence Windows - close ups below

[Lawrence Bonaventure Sheil was Adelaide's 2nd Catholic Bishop appointed on 1 November 1859]
[Lawrence Bonaventure Geoghegan was Adelaide's 3rd Catholic Bishop appointed on 16 September 1866]

The Rose Window - close ups below


Anglican Cathedral   ||   more Adelaide