2005 Cruise - Cairns - Cape York
(Click on thumbnail image to see larger image)
Page 1: Cairns Wharf
Oceanic Princess

Leaving Cairns

Ship's Tender "Xplorer"
Page 2: More of the Ship
The Bridge

Engine Room

Desalination Plant
Page 3: On Board
Ship at Sea

Boarding the Xplorer

Page 4: Lizard Island

Watson's Bay



Blue Lagoon

Page 5: Stanley Island


Stanley Island

Stanley Island

Page 6:
Stanley Island
Rock Paint Site

Stanley Island Art Site

Stanley Island Art

Stanley Island Art

Page 7: Snorkelling on the Great Barrier Reef

Page 8: Forbes Island and Magra Islet

Forbes Island

Green Tree Ants

Magra Islet

Sunset at Sea

Page 9: Sunset at Cape York

Approaching Cape York

Cape York

View from Cape York

Sunset from Cape York

Sunset from Cape York

Sunset from Cape York

Sunset from Cape York

Sunset from Cape York

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